Go grab the update from Google Play by following the link below. This change is perfect for the one-handed tappers among us. Gboard has everything you love about Google Keyboardspeed and reliability, Glide Typing, voice typing, Handwriting, and more. If that doesn’t work, try restarting your iPhone or iPad. You can also choose the positioning, which should help your little fingers if they can’t quite reach something. To fix the issue, remove Gboard from your list, and then add it back. Lastly, inside the regular settings menu, you will find an option to change up the overall size of Gboard. you may ask to enter Apple ID and passcode so please enter the correct one.
2: As a result, you will get the Gboard Search app, Tap on Get and Wait for the download and install on iDevice. Forget switching from app to app just search and send, all from one place. On top of GIFs, emoji search, and Glide Typing, the power of Google is at your fingertips with Google Search built in. To access this new editing mode, select the Text Editing icon in the quick features menu by pressing on the G button (or arrow) in the strip that contains your suggestions. Search Google Gboard in the App Store search box. Gboard is the keyboard from Google for your iPhone, packed with features to make typing effortless. On top of new languages supported, Gboard also comes with a new text editing mode with buttons for increased cursor control, as well as the ability to select text, cut, copy, and paste right from the keyboard. Google states that any Google Indic Keyboard users should switch over to the latest Gboard and give it a try. Not only that, but Gboard allows for these language users to spell things phonetically, then a transliteration process is undergone in real time. There are 22 new Indic languages inside, plus support for Kinyarwanda and Waray.

Slide up and onto the special character or symbol you want to insert. Tap the letter, number, or symbol that contains the alternative you want to access.
Gboard has been updated with support for new languages, as well as the ability to resize and reposition the keyboard to however you see fit. How to insert special characters and symbols on your iPhone or iPad.